The mind is like a mirror

Everything you know, and everything you can know, appears in consciousness. This is one of those too obvious to bother mentioning things that we often overlook. If it’s not in your consciousness, you can’t know it. That includes these words, which are appearing in your mind as thoughts in response to reading them, along with…… Continue reading The mind is like a mirror

How to catch the big fish

I’ve got very little left to share today, friends. I’ll write all about it tomorrow, but in the meantime please enjoy these words from one of my idols and make-believe mentor, David Lynch.

Who are you really and are you sure?

Bear with me a moment and stop thinking. Okay, let’s be more specific. Decide that you won’t think any thoughts for the next minute. If that’s too big of a commitment, thirty seconds will do. No thoughts, just decide that you won’t think anything and then do it. Start your timer. I’ll do it with…… Continue reading Who are you really and are you sure?

We’re all addicted to the win

I meditate every morning for 20 minutes. That’s not a brag — it’s just what I do, like flossing. There’s a feeling I sometimes get when I’m meditating that I’ve found the golden center. Everything is still and quiet but also alive and humming. They key word in that description is “sometimes.” Sometimes it happens…… Continue reading We’re all addicted to the win