We’re gonna be huge in Kazakhstan

It’s a funny thing, dropping blog posts into the void every day. I’m not paying much attention to analytics — that’s not the point of this exercise. The point, inasmuch as I’ve sharpened one, is to contribute something small every day, simply for the sake of doing it. Some days may be better than others.…… Continue reading We’re gonna be huge in Kazakhstan

Being well-liked doesn’t count

It’s tempting, when managing a group (or even just one individual) to water down criticism or advice in the interest of being likable. Tempting, and very human. Who doesn’t want to be liked? The trouble is that sparing an individual from critique, while it seems friendly, is one of the worst things you can do…… Continue reading Being well-liked doesn’t count

Do it anyway

Someone once explained to me (or I read, or I heard it said on a podcast, or…) that there’s no difference between courage and fear. Courage contains fear. If you’re not afraid, courage has no meaning. Another way of saying this is that if you’re afraid of something and you take some action even in…… Continue reading Do it anyway

Being Alone

It hit me this morning, as I was driving to the office after picking up a few groceries ahead of yet another inbound snowstorm, that I’m awfully lonely. Put away your handkerchiefs (does anyone carry those anymore?) How old are you again?”— The Kid Seriously this isn’t a self-pity party. The truth is I barely…… Continue reading Being Alone

Out of Time

“I’m running out of time.” That thought crosses my mind almost every day. It’s more of a feeling, really, in my gut, that there isn’t enough time in the day to do all the things I want and hope to do. Or, worse, the feeling that I’ve wasted a day that I’ll never get back.…… Continue reading Out of Time

Colonist: Subtweeting Yourself, or That Parenthetical Life

In yesterday’s post I deployed a colon in the title. To be honest, I thought that my first title was a little too vague and artsy and wanted to give the search engines at least a little something to chew over. To give you, more precisely, a little clue about the contents of what’s inside…… Continue reading Colonist: Subtweeting Yourself, or That Parenthetical Life